Sunday, September 17, 2006

A New...

Okay, this is a long awaited article I know, but I have been busy...

I know, I know that won't cut it as a good excuse. I have indeed been inexcusably delinquent in posting about my new nephew Timmothy Allen Draper III. I have recently and repetatively been asked what I thought of being an uncle, I have now given it some thought and I am here to share with all that life is basically the same just more enjoyable. Just like it took me a while to get used to my new brother-in-law, it will probably take me a while to get used to my new role as an uncle. Let me take your through little of my history for a little bit.

It all started back when I was born, little did I know and little did my parents know that I was going to be the only boy in the house (not counting papa of course). Once I realized this I saw it as my duty to act like three sons combined into one...
"unfortunetly for my parents my two other identities never acted like older boys"

I was the youngest with two older sisters. Due to this fact, I never had to deal with little punks, so logically I was the worst one around (just asked my sisters). I spent 19 years in this state
"ask someone else if you want an accurate read out of how I am now"

of course I did have friends...
"There were a few that were nice enough to use that word in the same sentance as my name"

... but I never had a brother to whom I could look up to or look down to (evil grin) until... That's right, TJ. I can remember when we first met his family, it was back, probably, oh... hmm early 1990s I think...
"I was still a little punk and a big problem for my sisters"

...At this point in time our family was over at their house and Rachel and TJ were talking
"They were the older siblings so they were able to carry on a civilized conversation"

Anna (thats right!), along with TJs sisters, dared me (probably to get me out of their hair) to go and taunt Rachel and TJ with the ever so famous jingle "Rachel and TJ up in a tree..." It was very humerous at the time, however, little did Anna and I know, but it would actually turn out that way (minus the tree part of course). In 2005 Rachel and TJ were joyfully join in marriage...
"TJs family moved to TN for a period of time between then and now, they weren't courting for 10+ years. That would be scary!"

... I now had a brother(in-law) to whom I could look up to and tease. So that little bit takes care of the history, now we can go onto the current state of things.

In August Rachel and TJ were blessed with a little man called Timmothy Allen Draper III. Today this blessing was baptised. It was a special moment for our family along with our extended church family. Rachel and TJ made the 8 hour journey from Tennessee to Illinois so that we could celebrate together in welcoming this new life into the coventant of our Lord. So I am now an uncle to a young little soul filled with life accompanied with an increadible future ahead of him. God Bless this new family!

In Him,


David Price said...

Raise your hand if your confused now!

Sorry folks, I would like to blame my poorly written post and the lack of coherant sentences on the small text window provided by blogger, but that would be unfair. So please hang in there while I attempt to improve. :)


TJ Draper said...

What a great post, humor and seriousness all rolled into one.

So you like being an uncle? Well, that's good.